"What is it? My dear?"
"Ah, how can we bear it?"
"Bear what?"
"This. For so short a time. How can we sleep this time away?"
"We can be quiet together, and pretend – since it is only the beginning - that we have all the time in the world."
"And every day we shall have less. And then none."
"Would you rather, therefore, have had nothing at all?"
"No. This is where I have always been coming to. Since my time began. And when I go away from here, this will be the mid-point, to which everything ran, before, and from which everything will run. But now, my love, we are here, we are now, and those other times are running elsewhere."
– A.S. Byatt, Possession

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Reflection on my Blog

     After doing ten posts on my blog, I’m only just beginning to get used to Blogger’s interface. I found that the page had a slight learning curve, and it wasn't as intuitive as I’d like. Following other blogs and editing the blog as a whole proved to be the most difficult tasks for me. But at the end, I did enjoy coming up with ways to let my personality show in my blog. I think it came out okay, but I would've liked to personalize it more if I could. For example, by being able to customize the size of an image and putting it exactly how I’d like. I found myself yearning for a type of Myspace page where I could customize everything in a much simpler way. Still, I’m happy with the end product.

      Doing ten entries doesn't sound like much, and it isn't, but it required a bit of discipline to do each one usually by the next class and not let it accumulate. Similarly as when doing the journal, it was a bit difficult for me to have that pace, because I wasn't used to writing constantly. Some people have the talent of writing in a very witty and entertaining way, but at least I aimed to be open and honest in my opinions. I think that if I keep practicing by writing constantly, I will continue to get better at it. Or maybe it’s not really a skill, but a talent. While I’m not sure if my writing got better or not, I do know that with the readings I did on the “Journey in Literature” theme, I gained new knowledge and even have a different perspective on the idea of traveling. By writing a reflection on each reading, I felt that I gained a deeper insight than what I would've gained if I hadn't sat down for a moment thinking about the themes and the message the author wanted to bring across.

crobitdesign-4ways to write good content

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